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WTF? nope. π

World Tournament & Techno Fest, WTTF for short
it is an event held by OSIS SMAN 3 Bandung (SIE 9 & 10 OSIS LXIII)

in the 'Belitung Barat' galaxy  there were two planets, BB32018 and BB32019.
Both of them had never encountered before. one day, those planets received an invitation to visit a planet named O633 
on Saturday, August 20th 2016 
06.30 AM
Lapangan Bali SMAN 3 Bandung

'it will be the battle you'll never forget!' committee siad.

ofc, the participant of WTTF are X & XI grader
tournament? yiss, each class get their own opponent.
BB32018 would fight against BB32019
Mostly, the class ( X & XI) with the same number were opponent
X MIPA 7 *my class, selected to fight against XI MIPA 7

in wttf there were 10 posts around the 'world'. 
in each post there would be many games that different
we had to play a game and win to get a piece of puzzle.
almost all of the post, X MIPA 7 won against XI MIPA 7.
XI MIPA class was my favorite post, on that post we played video game (tekken).
2 - 1 , my class was the winner.

in the end, we gather in soccer field and chase the alien to take puzzles
after that, we (BB32019) arranged the puzzle
*ill put the picture later, ihopeso

32019's puzzles were composed

fyi. in this event we had to speak english


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